Here is a situation report from my mother who is a retired Mortgage Specialist who worked in banking for 25 years at a top bank in Canada re: immigrant take over.
-If the manager is Indian they will always try to turn the place into 99% Indian employees
-Indian Director was creating jobs for her relatives from India to join the bank that had 0% banking experience, broken English, literally fresh off the boat
-That bank she was working for is literally now going out of business because they cannot turn in profits
-Anytime the Bank would do a charity fundraiser, none of the Indian employees ever donated a penny
-She would take transit to the city often and found out the Indians would forge the train passes so they never had to pay; so they're taking up space but bankrupting the transportation system
-The Indian managers would purposefully give my mother, and other non-Indians, a poor rating even though she was top 5 in sales consistently