Merry Christmas
7 Year Delta
Whatever will we do with our time when our story ends?
Merry Christmas
7 Year Delta
Whatever will we do with our time when our story ends?
Happy Birthday General Flynn
Originally we thought Dec 5 (D5) was the date
Corrected by his sister
[19] day delta
Anons like me or the memes?
There would seem to be some need for this.
Think we still get a period with our accounts back on from X/Twitter. Some anons theorize we are locked out to prevent changes to material and that it is being used as evidence/documentation. Not sure if I believe that theory as social media posts aren't exactly "evidence" but time will tell.
Happy Birthday General Flynn
Crossing The Delaware
7 year delta
Elon has this pic on his nightstand
When the Department of Defense tweeted that Christmas morning it was the most excited I have been since I was a kid.