The Rise and Fall of the Never Trump Machine.
By: Hayden Ludwig
December 26, 2024
Kamala Harris and the Democrat establishment may have blown over a billion dollars to lose the 2024 election, but it’s their Never Trump allies most likely facing oblivion after President Donald Trump’s historic victory.
If so, good riddance.
But don’t be too quick to count out the likes of Bill Kristol, Charlie Sykes, Liz Cheney, or the operatives behind groups such as the Lincoln Project who helped organize the Left’s 2020 campaign to oust Trump from the White House. They may still play a role in the second Trump “resistance” beginning in January — if Democrats will let them.
At the heart of that effort is a set of insider groups — niche publications like The Bulwark and think tanks for exiled ex-conservatives like the Niskanen Center — that led the old GOP’s exiles into the wilderness, forged a powerful political force for undermining Trump’s Republican base, then pledged itself fully to the Harris campaign and the regime that supported it. At each step of the way, these “principled conservatives” grew tangibly more liberal, more hawkish on America’s forever wars, and more fanatical in their hatred of the America First movement.
By November 2024, however, Never Trump Inc. ended up friendless and defeated.