The problem is we need to change our culture in regards to our hiring practices, but also our schools/education systems need total and complete overhaul, which Trump will be doing, then we need to better incentivize our children to want to do better. Then we can slowly, then quickly start replacing those jobs with American workers again!
There's going to be an IMMENSE amount of jobs for everyone already here! Trump has companies making billion dollar investments in the U.S. that were not before. They're going to be creating millions of jobs in all sectors, including manfg, farming, tech, warehousing, shipping, etc. Some of the high tech jobs may need to be imported if we really don't have the people already here to fill them.
I think that Trump is going to be changing our companies' hiring practices, esp. with doing away with dei bs. That will help a lot in more of our own American "white men" being hired.
But I totally agree with you in your analysis of Elon. The person who has to dole out the paycheck is always going to be looking to shrink that paycheck as much as possible.
Thankfully, companies in the U.S. are going to both be taxed less and regulated less which will save them tons of money there, but can concentrate on getting better employees and not just cheaper ones.
Remember that some people are "in this movement" by design, not by heart.
MAGA is not turning on anyone.
This is Loomer, the plant, that is now trying to stir trouble. Soon it will be poso, and so on. They're all going to be coming out of the woodworks once again. Only here as a "plant" to sow chaos when needed.
The opposition is trying very hard to sow division among MAGA via Elon/Vivek. They think that is the weak link that will tear us apart. We (true MAGA) are NOT moving from Trump no matter what they throw at us. We say, STOP THE DIVISION tactics! Loomer can go f herself for all I care! She's a plant, so is posobiec, so are many others, like maybe even some we all like. Look what came out about Dr. Ben Carson leaking about Trump to a guy that is very suspect and that Carson should NOT have been leaking to.