The lessons of the Bear:
Black Bear : Formidable
Brown Bear : Formidable and Territorial
Grizly Bear : Will fuck you up for no reason
Polar Bear : Will actively hunt you for food or invasion or just sport
Which category do you fall into ?
The lessons of the Bear:
Black Bear : Formidable
Brown Bear : Formidable and Territorial
Grizly Bear : Will fuck you up for no reason
Polar Bear : Will actively hunt you for food or invasion or just sport
Which category do you fall into ?
Napoleone Bonaparte," Give me an educated mother, I shall promise you the birth of a civilised, educated nation."
Libtards have broken the chain, we now have a nation of uncivilized lazy barbarians.
CEO's of public companies are liable and accountable to the federal government for the accuracy of their financials. Why shouldn't they be liable and accountable for their products ? This should apply to every CEO.
Worked great for spreading the zika virus.
They have been working on payload delivery.
Only females suck blood for their young ! Sure this appeals to these vampires.
Knowingly is documented. No one playing the game gets a pass. The chance to resign was 4 years ago.
Just visited the amish and bought a load of non GMO grains. At least when they make a better wheat or oats it is done the old fashioned. Cross pollinate stuff that grows well. Not inject pesticides ans herbacides into the genome in a laboratory. An added plus is bacon without any human genes.
Gotta Love Booger
Israel last for a reason.
Isaac and Ishmael are brothers. No one can love or hate each other quite like brothers of the same father and different mothers.
Never get in the middle of a family feud, Cops will tell you domestic violence is the most irrational.
Common Sense is an oxymoron. You cannot fix stupid, no, not even with duct tape.
Autistic kids use vidya games to unwind and focus. Imagine Elon is one and uses these games to do the same. They also don't sleep alot. Never judge others by what you can do, judge only the results.
The real plot twist will be the rally behind Taiwan as the ruling entity. The CCP is dead, it took the great grandchildren growing up in a dead end society ruled by corrupt military generals to realize the revolution needs to be what Ghandi did to Britain, non-violent protest.
"Let it Rot"
Anon warns, Steve Bannon is bought and paid for by the Vatican.
Let's export the common core curriculum. They can become as dumb as usa
Yes, it is called winter. Happens every year. Once the chem spraying stops, weather revetts to norms dictated by oceans. There gonna be some ball huggers coming