Never forget anons, Elon wore antichrist armor
They thought we would follow the stars. We WILL NOT import slave labor. Elon's companies only exist because of TAX PAYER SUBSIDIES. FUCK MUSK FUCK VIVEK.
Never forget anons, Elon wore antichrist armor
They thought we would follow the stars. We WILL NOT import slave labor. Elon's companies only exist because of TAX PAYER SUBSIDIES. FUCK MUSK FUCK VIVEK.
The black MAGA hat was a pretty obvious tell, aside from the antichrist armor. He's been a front for the CIA for years and years, all those "starlink" satellitesโฆ yeah those are CIA satellites. Games up on those. His gay companies are a front for the CIA to steal more tax payer dollars than they already do.
Q said the people have the ability to decide to either retain the tech oligarchs or let them die off,
Musk is a CIA Front, which means his satellites are CIA satellites.
Now, what would be bad for satellites? Rain? Fog? Bright lights?
It's been real foggy lately, something tells me that Elon showed his hand because he felt comfortable enough to do so. His (CIA's) satellites are likely targeting people who are not happy with his globalist bullshit.
I bet Elon was surprised when he kept bringing his kid around and none of Trump's people were interested in being blackmailed.
Would Trump dress up like the literal antichrist? NOPE.
Good attempt, shill retard, but nobody dresses up as the antichrist as a joke. He's a CIA frontman, none of the money he "owns" is actually his, he lives in a pod, sells electric cars (TAXPAYER SUBSIDIES) and literally wants to merge technology with human bodies. Fuck you, X employee.