>>22274536 (pb)
stop jerk posting
>>22274536 (pb)
stop jerk posting
the shills don't get it.
you don't toss away genius just because the guy had a bad ice cube weekend.
just like DJT said of RFK Jr: he won't be dealing with the Drill-baby-Drill requirement.
He'll be doing the food and the virus jabs!
So Elon had a bad weekend? So F'n what.
MAGA doesn't throw people under the bus.
MAGA un summons it.
people dabble in pagan nonsense and then GROW out of it.
He said stuff to be shocking.
Does he really want to do that now?
you're so blinded by your 'toss elon under the bus' you forget the 'love your enemies, do good to those who hate you'
Elon is good at what he does.
Religious teaching isn't his skill set.
He's not a Theological scholar.
He maybe didn't realize that demons aren't a joke.
Do you think everyone who plays Dungeons and Dragons realizes what they are involved in?
people whoplay first person shooters? Are they all possessed and going to hell?
Can't demons be cast out?
Say the prayer of St Michael, anon, and get over yourself
no, it's not fine.
I don't agree with it.
He made a mistake.
was it for a costume party?
People make mistakes.
I dabbled in crap too, when I was young. I stopped. I realized what it was. I prayed to be free of it.
I had my own issues. I over came it, God Willing!
using devination is not a holy thing to do and you open portals that allow bad spirits into your mind.
Stop doing it.
I say that people dabble. That's still sinning.
But sins can be forgiven and people can repent!
if you don't study Hinduism and Buddhism and gnosticism, and various forms of paganism then you're not very well educated.
that's different than practicing it!
you don't know me, anon.
you can't say that and know it's true.
You're just throwing things at me to try and unnerve me.
your fetish in filtering is of no interest to me, anon.
what you think of my ideas about repentance and salvation do not effect my priority to tell it like it is.
that you dont' know these things just tells me that you're not there yet.
and if you're not there, then you still can get there later.
You dislike elon? you want him 'deprecated'?
it's not for you to tell the world or MAGA that he's not worth it any more.
you're worth it, I'm worth it.
we make mistakes. We do stupid fade stuff that later on looks stupid.
we dabble in stupid rituals that are actually sinful.
We realize it.
we repent. We atone.
that's not superstition, it's just the way that humans operate.
someday you're get it. Maybe when you're over 40?
Many Italians came because when the Free Masons took over Italy they destroyed the economy for the Southern Italians who either had to leave or be very very poor.
next are you going to tell us we can't call a priest 'Padre'?
the other part: they repeat that same deal over and over, in a very vain way as if they think it's true about Catholic prayer.
the prohibition is against jabbering.
and when they go on about Catholic prayer they often seem to be doing just that.
also the other one: they claim we worship Mary because we ask her to intercede for us to Jesus.
Do you worship your own mother?
of course not. You love her, though.
not me. I'm saying it's vain of those who CONSTANTLY Jabber about it. They claim that the rosary is 'vain'.
I think it's very awesome.
My point: they violate what they say not to do by jabbering the same nonsense over and over to try and distress faithful Catholics.
you didn't read the whole post, anon.
litergical prayer is useful because people in a distressed state of mind often can't think of what words to say.
also in a formal situation when someone 'off-the-cuff' prays the make theological mistakes so it's best, in a formal situation, to use a written litergical form of praying.
and as far as the Rosary: when one mediates onm the most holy Rosary of the Virgin Mary one also is meditating on the various mysteries of the Rosary.
also you can say it just to pass the time in meditation, as a kind of 'time keeper'.
and when doing that you're thinking about people who you want to have good things happen to, and what those things are, praying for the sick and those lost in sin.
It's not 'expecting something to happen' by repeating mindlessly the same things over and over. The mind is there in prayer. YOu know what you are doing. you do it because it's your time to pray and prayer is often hard to do.
if you get to that part of being someone who prays a lot you do get to the part where a contemplative (without words) kind of prayer is very effective: you might be able to enter into the Cloud of the Unknowing at that point.
but if you could and you understood what that is about you wouldn't brag about it.
You wouldn't expect a result.
you wouldn't need a feeling.
you might not even remember it.
but that's a totally different kind of prayer.
anon, I thnk you don't understand Catholic prayer and you jabber on about it as if Catholics are sinning.
look at your own faults and not what you imagine are theirs.
what did the Apostles and Mary do for 9 days before Pentecost.
If what they did was wrong why did the Holy Spirit descend on them?