Q Team:
Sorry for lashing out, but NDE are no joke, and I want to warn you and our Military in the next coming days about how deadly these attacks are. I am sure that people who had covid symptoms were either sprayed with pesticides but if a person had a feeling of black and blue or pressing pain, then that was cyanide. Depending on strength you could get a mild discoloration on the skin with arthritis pain to difficulty breathing. In higher doses and at deadly strength, what kills the body is strangulation by every living fiber in one's body. The body will squeeze itself to death, cutting off the breath, forcing you to expel everywhere even down to the pores, till your eyes pop out of the socket if need be. When the body has no strength left any remaining sticky foam can also cause suffocation. You must be prepared for such attacks as it is very easy to make, conceal, is odorless, ionizable, and small amounts can actually kill in minutes if not seconds. You will not feel much for the first two minutes, but by your 3rd you will alarmed, and in 4 minutes a degree of panic. If you do not wash it off in 30 to 1 minute, it goes subcutaneously. Everyone needs to have a plan after all, we are fighting the real Nazis that invented this stuff.