Anonymous ID: 6014fb Jan. 5, 2025, 6:08 a.m. No.22296475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6622

>>22294749 lb

the word writer was trying to think of was "Predicate"


HRC just invited Chyna into our Country!

Does it make sense that since she and her cohorts have taken bribes and are thereby in the pockets of our political enemies, that when the going gets tough she and her co-conspirators will call on the Chinese Communists to stop her side from losing?

Some reports say the ChineseCommunists are massing at our northing border, have deployed drones in large numbers and have secreted large numbers of military-age single males over our southern border.


We know Pedo Joe and his whole family took millions from the Communist Chinese.

Hillary claims Trump has Russia on his side so her group should ask the Chinese for help!



I'd say this is out and out blatant treason - She puts out her plea to obtain help from communist China, right in public, right through a MassMedia outlet!

She said it on Rachel Maddow show.

MSNBC needs to have its license taken.

They are also claiming over there that Trump will have to take money from Social Security and from Medicare, which is another politically motivated lie.

Anonymous ID: 6014fb Jan. 5, 2025, 6:34 a.m. No.22296622   🗄️.is 🔗kun


PREDICATE: the latter part of a logical position


To predicate: to publish or affirm anything of a subject


from an old dictionary.


from a new dictionary:

from Latin. that what is declared of a subject.

rare: to proclaim, preach. affirm


to affirm as a property


to involve as a connotation

to affirm or base on facts, arguments, conditions


in grammar: something which is affirmed or denied about a subject.

FBI failed to have a proper predicate to open an investigation on Trump's alleged collusion with Russia and Putin

Anonymous ID: 6014fb Jan. 5, 2025, 6:53 a.m. No.22296731   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you might be misrepresenting him

He wants a few elite with maxi brains not hoards of "brown people"

The billionaires Trump etc. will not be able to pay them less than local help, Trump already admitted that was a wrong policy that he had taken advantage of, as a businessman

Much as he takes advantage of tax loopholes, as they all do.

Think of this:

If Trump didn't make all that money, he couldn't have helped us. He only survived the massive attacks, because of that.

That's why they feared him.

  1. he tough

  2. he has money

conclusion: It's not easy for the criminal conspirators to stop him, but they keep trying.

Anonymous ID: 6014fb Jan. 5, 2025, 7:29 a.m. No.22296885   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We'll see what happens.

it'll be a laugh if kamakamakamalaaalaaalaaaalaaa

actually certifies Trumps win, as she says she will.

They are only used to doing that for stolen elections.

Gore vs Bush.

Bush stole and Gore oversaw the certification and failed to challenge.

Later he said he regretted that.

maybe; After Bush started the illegal war, he said that.

Anti War was popular among Libs at that time - and that was how Pelosi squeezed her way into power; falsely, since she transformed to commanding war hawk once elected.

Pelosi was a Trojan Horse.

Gore said he didn't want to challenge our Institutions, especially the SCOTUS - by recognizing the steal .

He's a cuck. Like fellow Liberal Bernie. Bern-y

Gore's loyalty is to the large conspiracy of the elites?

His movie about climate change put me to sleep, supposed to be scary.

Gore is a Bore?

His daughter married a Schiff.

What a coincidence?

However, wife Tipper was right about the influence of Media on children, ahead of her time?

Odd for a Liberal, right?