3 part post of a 40ft view for the ultimate plan Biden had planned to call a National Emergency, suspend the constitution, stop DJT from ever being sworn in. Where the plan originated from.
Active duty military going rogue with 100s of thousands called to action. Go orders include the streets leading up to fed building as well as the campuses of the fed building.
the significance of the streets and campuses is that the Federal Government has jurisdiction over these areas and a red state governor can not interfere. It would have allowed Biden to justify his actions and Governors couldn't dispute it.
The Letter identifiesonlyareas with constitutional article 2 control .DC, Interstate, federal buildings, campuses and the streets leading up to the federal building. It perfectly avoids the constitutional obstacle of Red State Governors pushing back on Biden ( what a coinky) It also happens to be so stupid if the intent was a successful assault because there is no possibility to resupply the people trapped in the pens he put them. The end result is it is a 24 hour at best tantrum before people have to go home and get food and sleep. They would be arrested as soon as they got back on a city street not controlled by federal government. It is no plan at all, it is a narrative creator letter to fool the simple minded.
note the gas bomb planned in the cybertruck. it is significant in part 3