I'd like to congratulate California on becoming a third world state.
The iconic Tesla exploded in garages all over LA.
That's exactly what happened.
Calm down Morty. You don't want the scissor lock.
She worked on that for 3 days? Fucking lazy bitch. I came up with Cartel Cove and I wasn't even trying.
Lotsa Jews in Mexico. They skedaddled to Mexico City during WWll. A Mexican Jewish lady will bling out so hard it'll make your neck snap.
Muh Malibu house is gone. I can't go live with the little people.
Well actually I don't care if they're little as long as they're filthy rich.
So every bleeding heart liberal that voted for this shit is about to find out they're not insured and a one bedroom rental just got jacked up 75%.
I'm thinking about his impacted colon.