Get the fuck on with it Grassley. Enough is enough. You motherfuckers confirmed every treasonous piece of shit subvert that Biden wanted and now you're gonna exercise scrunity on my POTUS's picks? Fuck right off with that shit. You approve my POTUS's pick and you do it with speed. Quit fucking around!!!!
Never I'm afraid.
GB just ran through this wretched bitch's history and she is a dyed in wool communist who loved and praised Fidel Castro. She praised Castro when he died.
Started her career as a "community organizer'. This video of her was unfuckingbelievable. She stood there in stunning silence, staring off into the abyss. Kudus to the reporter that was hammering her filth laden ass.
It's said, you get the government you vote for but, with all of the fuckery taking place over the last four years and even before, do these people really have the government they voted for? Or has the democrat party perfected the election theft process and been stealing elections for so long in California that it simply goes unquestioned?