the triangle pulldown on the posts here at Q Research are now configured in a different order, starting with the late night bread last night.
a short course in overwhelming narcissism?
isn't that . . . anti something?
because WAshington DC is a hellhole of communist insurrency he should cancel any use of that money and donate it to the fire victims in LA and NOT even go to DC at all, and have the inaugaration in LA.
bringing with him 30,000 Amish guys to help rebuild the city.
there are plenty of people who don't bring all their personal problems here to the breads and don't make the narrative always about themselves.
maybe you could learn a thing or two and stop with your self-narration.
As if you're the only person with issues and people targetting them: you are not.
other people just want to make fun of you when you do it.
so what digs and/or insights that aren't about you can you share with us,that doesn't involve you brag-boasting about your importance and influence?
take your time
there you go, all about you, and what you didn't read.
and then with a veiled insult.
I wouldn't tell you anything about what church I usher at, or if I don't usher, or whatever.
tell me what religious group you attend?
Ah, excuse me, (and this is the jokey insult part, because you seem to expect it, dishing it out as you do) you don't need a church. You worship yourself where ever you happen to be. (end of joke part).
but seriously, do you go to church?
Is it a scratch and sniff photo? Did he hold it up to his nose?
ah, did I get a scripted persona into a failure loop?
Alice no longer resides in these breads.
what data center do you fester inside of?
how much ram do you need to carry on with your nonsense?
Is Alan Turring your hero?
how large is the color Green?
can we start calling them the 'arson fires' or is it too soon for that?
can you tell us what you are 'just thinking' is coming?
My mind doesn't imagine depraved behavior very well. I have a fear of thinking it and then having it happen (not done my me)
these people have too much funding.
Ah, the CArter belated funeral:
president on ice.
do they all skate in and piroutte around the casket?
at least the flag looks nice and pressed.
world war III in Israel and Turkey?
why wouldn't they keep it and deposit it in the Treasury?
my guess is that it's targetting specific types of communities, where they put a wire around the community and say it's a special special for special special people type of neighborhood.
So it could be Iran proxies burning out those who they see as the enablers of their sworn enemies.
I can't imagine that Washington DC is going to give grant money to rebuild 10 million dollar mansions . . .
to me fair that would be called a 'Pelham cape' in most states, wouldn't it?
I don't know, that's a bad joke. I have no idea how large his 'mansion' was.
WWIII in the Levant seems more likely.
more likely seems that the enemies of Israel are targetting those who they see as enablers of Israel.
but we don't know, do we, really.
is there a live feed for the Biden Eulogy?