the wildland firefighter union pops the head out of the hole
future proves past
the wildland firefighter union pops the head out of the hole
future proves past
>Firefighting is mostly white and male. A California program aims to change that
Reduction in prison inmates to help fight California fires has left a strain on Cal Fire crews
CBS 8 San Diego
468K subscribers
so, where are the firefighters?
so, if you want to get into firefighting you might have to enroll with prisoners and parolees
anyone know how fire tacks against the prevailing wind?
Backdraft - Wikipedia
A backdraft (North American English), backdraught (British English) or smoke explosion is the abrupt burning of superheated gases in a fire caused when โฆ
Visit in Anonymous View
Understanding What a Backdraft Fire Is - Judd Fire Protection
Jun 28, 2023 โฆ A backdraft fire is a sudden explosion provoked by new oxygen entering a fire's circle. Once a fire has consumed all the available
looks like the fire is tracking E, against the prevailing Santa Ana's on the 210
Biden announces birth of baby boy during Punic Holiday as Jimmy in repose for apotheosis
a golden moment
Biden: "Are there people in the Republican Party who think we're sucking the blood out of kids?"
3.05K subscribers
1,327 views Jul 30, 2021
Creepy Joe being Creepy Joe.
Joe Biden randomly tells reporter "are there people in the Republican Party who think we're sucking the blood out of kids?" And then refuses to answer questions and shuffles away.
>Biden announces birth of baby boy during Punic Holiday as Jimmy in repose for apotheosis
Jennifer Siebel Newsom
Siebel Newsom in 2018
First Partner of California
Assumed role
January 7, 2019
Governor Gavin Newsom
so, the problem
no water
introduction of increased gas fuel
X marks the spot
this fire could not have happened ANYWHERE ELSE due to geographical/climatic phenom
Fire & Ice
Ice is a mineral - Mineralogical Society of America
A mineral is defined as a naturally occurring, homogeneous solid, inorganically formed, with a definite chemical composition( or range of
mockingbird replacement theory
just a movei?
what the fuck is your problem
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck ewe
fuck yu
fuck yew
go bobbin' control
fuck you
fuck you
fik dick
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
you like repetition right?
you fuck
fuck you
again, again, AGAINAGAIN?
you like, again?
repetition is good, right?
no fuck yourself
fuck yourself
oh, yea
fuck yourself
sup control
you just do what you want
nice role model
seems reasonable
greed is good
1 Corinthians 15:18
18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. 19 If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.
who's everywhere?
coitus | หkลษdษs, หkoidษs |
noun formal
sexual intercourse.
coital | หkลษdl, หkoidl | adjective
mid 19th century: from Latin, from coire โgo togetherโ (see coition).
mid 17th century: via French from modern Latin prostata, from Greek prostatฤs โone that stands beforeโ, from pro โbeforeโ + statos โstandingโ.
low hangingโฆ
INTER MIRIFICA technicae artis inventa, quae hodiernis praesertim temporibus, Deo favente, humanum ingenium e rebus creatis deprompsit, peculiari sollicitudine Mater Ecclesia ea excipit ac prosequitur quae hominis animum potissimum respiciunt, quaeque novas aperuerunt vias cuiusvis generis nuntios, cogitata ac praeeepta facillime communicandi. E quibus vero inventis ea eminent instrumenta, quae non modo singulos homines, sed ipsas multitudines totamque humanam societatem, natura sua attingere ac movere valent, sicuti prelum, cinematographeum, radiophonia, televisio et alia huiusmodi, quae proinde instrumenta communicationis socialis merito vocari possunt.
Novit quidem Mater Ecclesia haec instrumenta, si recte adhibeantur, humano generi valida praebere subsidia, cum multum conferant ad relaxandos et excolendos animos atque ad Dei regnum propagandum et firmandum; novit etiam homines posse ea adhibere contra divini Conditoris consilium et in suorum ipsorum iacturam convertere; immo materno angitur doloris sensu ob damna quae ex pravo eorum usu humanae consociationi nimis saepe orta sunt.
Quare Sacrosancta Synodus, Summorum Pontificum et Episcoporum, in re tanti momenti, vigilanti curae instans, suum esse censet quaestiones praecipuas tractare cum instrumentis Communicationis socialis conexas. Confidit insuper suam doctrinam et disciplinam hoc modo propositam, non modo christifidelium saluti, sed etiam totius consortionis humanae progressui esse profuturam.
Catholica Ecclesia, cum ad salutem universis hominibus afferendam a Christo Domino constituta sit ideoque evangelizandi necessitate compellatur, sui officii partes esse ducit nuntium salutis, ope etiam instrumentorum communicationis socialis, praedicare hominesque de eorum recto usu docere.
Ecclesiae ergo nativum ius competit quodvis horum instrumentorum genus, quatenus ad christianam educationem omnemque suam de animarum salute operam sunt necessaria vel utilia, adhibendi atque possidendi; ad Sacros vero Pastores munus pertinet fideles ita instituendi atque moderandi ut iidem, horum etiam instrumentorum auxilio, suam totiusque humanae familiae salutem ac perfectionem persequantur.
Ceterum, laicorum praesertim est huiusmodi instrumenta humano christianoque spiritu vivificare, ut magnae humani convictus expectationi divinoque consilio plene respondeant.
QANON, player
Q clearance
U.S. Department of Energy security clearance level
Q clearance or Q access authorization is the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance required to access Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data. Restricted Data (RD) is defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and covers nuclear weapons and related materials. The lower-level L clearance is sufficient for access to Secret Formerly Restricted Data (FRD) and National Security Information, as well as Confidential Restricted Data and Formerly Restricted Data. Access to Restricted Data is only granted on a need-to-know basis to personnel with appropriate clearances.
drum roll
(look what you made me do)
Nov 24, 2017 1:04:19 AM EST
Anonymous ID: orlJUPCM No. 150697054
Betsy DeVos Erik PRINCE > POTUS
The United States Department of Education is a cabinet-level department of the United States government. It began operating on May 4, 1980, having been created after the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare was split into the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services by the Department of Education Organization Act, which President Jimmy Carter signed into law on October 17, 1979.[3][4]
The 1973 oil crisis called attention to the need to consolidate energy policy.[13][14][15] In 1977, President Jimmy Carter signed into law the Department of Energy Organization Act,