"Hey teacher leave them kids alone"
Ok how many dead babies does a Jesuit kill on a Sunday?
"Hey teacher leave them kids alone"
Ok how many dead babies does a Jesuit kill on a Sunday?
An evil woman will do it just to get a guy's attention lol
Nice one!
I was gonna say "all the ones in catholic one in six ft tall bodies who never grew the fuck up since christening"
Why do all true Jesuits go to hell?
How do I know Alcohol Ananananan Mouse can twist time?
Ok well my HRC was right.
Ask me why Jesuites go to hell!!!!!!
Cause they think they think eternal torture is too soft a sentence for their targets
Why does Jesus hate Jesuites??
Xmas is just a solitice celebration duh
Why doesn't a Jesuit pray on Sunday?
Hey Michael don't eat the candy anyway, just keeps virgin olive oil after midnight
Because, when he when Jesus says "what you do to the wolves in sheep clothing eating my flock's lambs you do to me" they say lol ok and turn him into a eunicic. Magedlean dumped him for a Jesuit too lol.
You wanna stop this tyraid Micky? I got more midnight candy jokes instead. Like a litre of em lol
Why doesn't a Jesuit pray on Sunday ?
What did Michael say to me on a midnightrain going any where?
Michael if you can think of a class answer I'll stop.
" it's just another paper cut, chair up!!"
Here's a jack one
Why does Jack the devil demand virgin sacrifice?
Hi men, got a good one for the mafia and alcoholics ananananananmous normies won't click;
When is a train like a stallion?
Cause it's rolf??
C'mon Michael go fur broke I'm not doing it to embarrass you they dunno anyway.
Mafia does but who is like, gonna care .
Gimme a come back and I'll give your come back a come back and by the end of it your back will be as slimey as mine is sticky
(This relationship will never be stable)