Los Angeles fire hydrants are OUT OF WATER because the county REFUSED to refill reservoirs — the same thing that happened in MAU!!
This will be the biggest WAKE UP RED PILL for the lefties. This is the craziest Karmic Energy where the entire Pacific Palisades is being burned — where the top [DS] Hollywood celebs & producers live at - such as Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson, Steven Spielberg, Chris Pratt, Reese Witherspoon, Matt Damon, Adam Sandler, Billy Crystal, Eugene Levy, Michael Keaton, Dan Aykroyd, Bradley Cooper, J.J.
Abrams, Judd Apatow, Jennifer Aniston, Chevy Chase, Martin Short, James Woods, Dr.
Dre, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Larry David & Conan O'Brien.
These are some of the most powerful people in California. They just lost everything.
When they find out what the real cause of this is, they're going to BURN their own [DS] Dem politicians in California - specifically in LA.
• 133 Jennv B. 10:19