Why let them go and do it again, somewhere else?
Gavin is too dumb or comped to call in the National Guard.
Pelosi mafia pulling another 1-6 this time with La Raza
Will continue to receive 3500 a month on his EBT card, while in prison, until he gets drunk and picks a fight with the biggest guy.
Wildfire is libtard for Arson
Just bill Mexico & add it to their tariff. Confiscate goods at the border until they are caught up.
Send beer. They'll know what to do.
The real question is who set this up, Pelosi, Becerra, Mayorkas, Soros, Schiff, Holder, Obama?
Bought congress, the DOJ, C_A, courts
Installed Residents
All the roads are closed. It's freak show