>>22328242 lb
>>22327839 lb
looks deliberate.
they zoomed right in on it.
But they didn't announce it.
"Hey, we found a body"
great journalism /s/
>>22328242 lb
>>22327839 lb
looks deliberate.
they zoomed right in on it.
But they didn't announce it.
"Hey, we found a body"
great journalism /s/
NO. the SCOTUS is corrupt
That's why the last nights decision.
Cunty Barrett and pedopimp Roberts voted against Trump
Bannon just called for Cunty to step down……
Pence's wife?
sides with the Bushes
Pence is an absolute Prick
Remember him or his reps coming here pushing for Pence for POTUS
Fuck him hard.
He pretends to be a man of God
smooth talking scum bag
Gives a bad name to Christianity
Maybe he'll give our Country a break and commit suicide.
prove those pics were not him
I won't be browbeat into claiming that a fake pic.
the one with Hogg was a joke
Seems like Donald Trump prefers Barry to Pence.
Figures because Barry doesn't pretend to be a preacher.
Barry discredits what he himself does but Pence is supposed to be on our side, and he discredits Holy people, by pretending to be HOLY
changed the name of the person set on fire!
A little bit of projection from Merchan sentencing.
Now they are quoting ROBERTS
Roberts is another crook.
Detailed by whistleblowr informant
"sounds like a democrat"
they scared by their actions.
know that their in trouble
merchans team
"With all going on in the World"
fascism in a soft glove
He's not ever a real judge?
soft voice
comparing Trump to heinous criminals.
Patting himself on the back.
Such a soft spoken radical.
Comparing to other crimainl trials.
He gave the wrong instructions to the jury.
It was ordinary
Proffesionals like TITS Jamems
TRUMP will be top law enforcement officer.
Trying to ameliorate the Trump Haters. Why he didn't jail him.
FAGGY voice
no wonder Andrew Weissman has a man crush on him.
However, there was no crime.
Except what Merchan did
"Legal President"
Trump is privilidge.
Not like the poor people
Perjurers Lies
Gagged. when others are not.
He's mis speaking with a lisp;
Is he a pedo?
Mer Con-artist.
merchan is beta-man
Wished Trump good luk
Voice sounded nervous.
We'll see what happens.
We're all felonious