>>22330100 lb
They made up the law just for Trump. TREASON
Good lord, another arson in Granada Hills.
>Elon Musk tweets probed by UK counter-extremism unit as alarm raised over risk to Britain
Talk to muh ambassador, you child raping cannibals
Top 10 Stories in CA Politics in 2024
Now you know it's a psychotic billionaire scam
Talk minus action equals zero. JFDI
Nobody could feel that so it's probably bullshit, just like the "prediction".
[They] pay him to torch California every year to make Chynuh look good.
Maybe God is trying to tell the gangster terrorists something.
The Romans made the Carthaginians raze Carthage to the ground.
Put them in the cage too. You know they were in on it.
Can he be prosecuted for Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity?
He didn't even save the fish.
Can he be charged with negligent homicide?
Ordo ab chao
Intentionally. WEF Young Leader alum Newsom isn't working alone
DEI jobs, DEI Covid grants, DEI FSA shit
Gay Watch don't rescue whites
Obviously she hasn't followed the WNC disaster. FEMA is racist DEI and incompetent too.
Clawback her salary and press charges
She's going to be explaining this to congress
He's going to be explaining this to congress
Laundering her fathers bribes to fuck Trump. DCLAS + axe