Incompetence is a dumb excuse for premeditated malice.
Wasn't Bass in Africa when this started and just got back a couple days ago? Who was really in charge while she was gone?
And why were the police forced to release an arson suspect who had 5 cell phones and a UN chrage card? I suspect the real culprit is above Bass and this is a globalist operation.
You can't put out an intentional "wildfire" without water. There are clues all around this body and they all point up.
It also drains down reservoirs and gives 5 cellphones and a UN charge card to homeless people.
Fuckerturd should carry the tampons in his purse.
>and than go
Who planned?
The fire chief who was in Africa?
The homeless guy with 5 cellphones and a UN charge card?
Joe Biden is an asshole.
Make Ukraine a NATO country and Russia will turn it into a glass parking lot while Zelensky shuttles off to the west with skidloads of Biden bucks.
Emergency declaration from a mayor or governor. Think of it as being like war powers. It's the monopoly of force.
If I parachute you into a boreal forest hundreds of miles from civilization, you are free.
If I parachute you into a city with rules, you have the liberty to obey the rules or suffer consequences.
Freedom is absolute.
Liberty is conditional.
The best answer to an accusation of racism is a firm, "fuck you".