Closet $cientologist.
>Did they even give notice of that bill?
Most never do. Doesn't matter the state. The only way people know about bills being passed at the local, state or federal level is if they're told (which all 3 branches, typically don't) or they're actively involved in pursuing this info on their own. Most people don't have time for that, by design and per the Constitution, expect their elected leaders to make the decision for them, in their best interests.
Simple fact is, Reps shouldn't be paid, except per diem, when they're at their Congressional houses, doing actual work.
>Did they even finish Counting the Vote yet?
Yes. They scammed out all the seats they could get. California is a fucking shithole.
> the D vs R Left right Paradigm
Same coin, Anon. That's the game. Have to start thinking outside the box.
> It's not foreigners violating our constitution daily,
Foreigners violate the constitution every day, Nigger!
>The GOVERNMENT of California is a shit hole.
A good majority of the people there are too. The entitlement of both rich and poor, black and white, et al there is ridiculous.
It's true. The (((Deep State))) took over California decades ago.
>California is Good people, a RED state, it's been TOPPLED by fucks like you who keep blaming the victims.
Projection at it's finest. I lived there, Faggot. I know how a good majority of those people are. Now, be a good boy and suck a fart out of my asshole.
>Cops, prosecutors, and judges violate it daily.
Kek. You said, verbatim in toto, "WAKE THE FUCK UP. It's not foreigners violating our constitution daily, it's those who swore to uphold and defend it.", which is what I commented on. I never said it wasonlythe Foreigners, now did I?
Now kindly shut the fuck up, Reee-tard. Reddit breeds weakness.