1 more week.
>>22342319 (lb)
How has Universal Healthcare worked out for the people in the UK waiting 2 years for a doctor's appointment to happen.
They use their media whores and celebrity puppets to pimp out the word "cult" to program the brainless portion of society.
77 million is not a cult.
It's a massive response.
It's a Revolution.
Faggot shill doesn't know the difference between Boomers and Gen X.
Top Kek! Cry moar, loser.
And they stole it all. They need to give it back to the Sephardim.
That Clandestine Service grifter is never notable.
She has 37 posts this bread.
All are whining about coal.
She wants coal to be the new topic.
She won't shut up until she can convince at least 1 anon to jump on her bandwagon.
Autists usually don't.
Cool story, bruh.