no shit. good job. didn't eben think of checking that word.
iL Donaldo with 12 hour delta between 22:37PM Jan 12 & 10:37AM Jan 13'th
you usually dont insert text in your slide. excellent effort.
forgot the fucking Q post.
have you been here the last 8hrs. ridiculous.
nominate this for a breadburner reply.
no fucking shit. neat.
video 1:32
your obsessed. request that you will be stationed in another area than me at the parade. vetter not be seated at muh table at the gala.
got muh graphic did you
gonna lurk your contributions rest of bread.
get this bread to 851 give 'em what they want
1 post wonder
no outside comms fucktard
breadburner, no Q comms on qresearch
do a useless bread next one.
basically retarded 1 post ip hop
irl had me up at 04:30 plowing. 1 moar beer and a few moar shitpoasts. then back to the regular wej issues will follow.
good luck Qtards neber cease to be obnoxios to the agents paid to monitor this board. they go home to wives that lurk. let that sink in.
this is a smart thought.