Trump has said over and over and over that he WANTS SHITLOADS OF OUTSIDERS TO REPLACE YOU ALL. He will "make illegals legal again" just like Reagan amnesty did and then they are legals just like you Anon… Hell, BETTER than you because they have no debt and can borrow money and will work forever to repay it. They will send their kids to shit schools and trust government doctors and get vaccinated and such. They are far better workers than you are so you will be replaced by Trump now. Funny how that works. huh?
Certainly it will never happen… The pedos are probably happily tossing their evidence onto the burning wreckage of their homes though. How convenient!!! Nothing good ever happens.
Look at how CHina copies the JSF and F22 and the Aurora craft. Funny how our Aurora craft is still a "secret" in the US but it is open in China. How did that happen? lol lol Make sure you pay your taxes. China is counting on YOU!