> https://planning.lacity.gov/odocument/6fbfbbd0-a273-4bad-a3ad-9a75878c8ce3/Chapter_6_-_Housing_Goals
Goal #: 1, 3, 4
Lead Agencies: LACP, LADOT
Supporting Agencies: BOE, Bureau of Street Services (Streets LA), LAHD
Funding Source: General Fund, Potential State grant funds
Objective: Secure funding to identify opportunities. Coordinate with agencies to
ensure effective responses to federal, state, and regional funding opportunities
around efforts to holistically plan for housing, mobility and sustainability
Respective Policy: 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.2.5
Identify opportunities to advance a holistic vision for livable, healthy, and
sustainable communities along the City’s transit-rich corridors utilizing mixed-use,
mixed-income housing combined with opportunities to transform the street and
public realm by adding or improving wide sidewalks, tree canopy, outdoor dining,
bicycle infrastructure, transit shelters, fast and frequent transit, and public seating
and plazas.
Pursue ways to better integrate rezoning and community planning efforts with
implementation of Mobility Plan 2035, by coordinating across agencies to identify
mobility investment needs through LADOT’s Mobility Investment Program and
LACP’s Community Plan Update Program, as well as Metro’s Transit Oriented
Communities Policy. Coordinate between agencies as part of a multi-agency
funding strategy to fund investments where the City is targeting new housing
at a scale to complete corridor-wide and network-level investments. Example
strategies include applying for grant opportunities such as the Infill Infrastructure
Grant (IIG) and the Affordable Housing Sustainable Communities (AHSC)
programs (see Program 9), as well as potential significant new federal grants
targeting housing-linked mobility and sustainability grants under consideration
in the current budget reconciliation bill to fund investments where the city is
targeting new housing at a scale to complete corridor-wide and network-level
Explore other opportunities to proportionately leverage investments through
land use development by linking mobility investment fees, such as the West LA
Transportation Improvement and Mitigation (TIMP) Specific Plan and Coastal
Transportation Corridor (TIMP) Specific Plan, and committing dedications, and
improvements to the public right of way where such investments advance the
goals of the Mobility Plan 2035 and provide safe, livable, and dignified space in
2021-2029 Housing Element CH6: Housing Goals, Policies, Objectives, and Programs 3
the public realm. Consider a fee study to examine opportunities to link rezonings
with desired transportation improvements to ensure adequate public realm
improvements and access to new housing through safe and well-connected
pedestrian infrastructure. Also, promote corridor wide or network-level mobility
investment in the list of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies
for rezoning program areas, through citywide regulations, and/or neighborhood
plan (like the LADOT Downtown Los Angeles Mobility Investment Plan), specific
plans, LADOT’s Mobility Investment Program, or other