>>22359405 lb
I will remind Pam Bondi that the unprecedented lawfare we've witnessed over the last 17 years going all the way back to Obama's administration ie………Lois Lerner-IRS, Eric Holder's Fast and Furious and others, was the administration's malfeasance of justice under color of law and every damn act these people committed was a blatant violation of Federal law. These same people and many others continued this malfeasance of justice under color of law against our POTUS, surrogates, Parents at school board meetings, Right to Life protesters, Jan 6th protesters and many other normal, everyday people. To my knowledge, none of these people broke any laws. The Jan 6th "insurrection" was, from what we all know now, an FBI-Democrat party led setup operation and the irrefutable fact is, this cabal violated so many federal laws that one can't even begin to count them all. And still, as of today, the conspiracy is ongoing. The last, overt act in this conspiracy has yet to end. No matter what the right hand knows of the left. The Federal Statute of LImitations hasn't even began to run.
So, there is a clear, black and white difference between what POTUS supporters did not do and were persecuted for and what the DOJ, FBI, CIA, MSDNC media and others did. Not only did they violate Title 18 USC Section 242, "Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law", many involved in this conspiracy have "knowingly" committed High Treason. Going after these people is not only right, moral and necessary. It is demanded. The basic concept of the Rule of Law demands it, a moral and civil society demands it.
If Pam Bondi and my POTUS, fail to bring all of these people to JUSTICE and hold them all to account for the irrefutable damage they have brought upon this nation, then we might as well just quit right now. With no consequences for these criminal's actions, Bondi and my POTUS will certainly guarantee that this persecution of political supporters and malfeasance of justice will continue to plague this country for generations to come. If we are going to "return" to the Rule of Law, then this accountability is demanded.
The democrats and their comrades in the msdnc media will most assuredly attempt to gaslight the nation with their "this is revenge" propaganda. It will be up to my POTUS and others in his administraiton to stand the hell up, look these subvert, lying ass P's OS right in their filth laden faces and tell them all to fuck the hell off. If you don't know the difference between what you did and what is happening now? Then too fucking bad. Look It Up!!!!