Buh bye corrupt dems.
That is exactly what has happened.
VA day. Victory America.
Been a while, got a "you" or "mention," at one point. Don't remember, wasn't worried about it, just doing my job.
You mean, some corrupt leader did it? You know, like the corrupt fucks we have in OUR country. Israel is not immune to having dumb fucks do stupid things, and neither are we. If they have a Biden in their ranks, then it makes sense.
Beetlejuice's girlfriend.
Maybe that's his right hand. Never have developed film before have ya?
Dunno, never worried about it.
Fauci has to accept it for it to be validโฆAND, it only clears him of FEDERAL charges, NOT civil or state.
Makes you wonder WHY they are going to Calif. A meeting of some kind?
He's empty on a lot of things.
My guess would be a round table discussion on how to save their asses and possibly arrange some quick exit scheme. The jig is up.