Russia is the ONLY white Christian country left on Earth that is not ruled by Jews (anymoar).
When you sub in who is behind every place/event in our world with the words "Jew" or "Christian" - World Politics and Economies are easily understood.
Remember 1,200 years ago the Russian Tzar kicked the Khazarian Jews out of Khazar i.e. modern day "Ukraine".
The Khazarian/AshkeNazi Jews have been trying to destroy Russian Christians ever since.
The "Bolshevik" Jewish coup and occupation of Russia for 70 years, they killed 100 million Russian Christians (as per the Wall St. Journal).
Today, Jews OCCUPY our gov't, and push us to use any means to destroy Russia and kill Russian Christians.
Jews want to kill Christians.
This explains
From Covid mRNA death jabs, to Eat ze Bugs, to send Americans to fight Iran to benefit Jews, use this simple Lens and you'll see everything clearly.