Look Here, Not there
This was a brilliant EO, like dragging a dead fish through an alley with feral cats. Wait till he wins at the supreme court, clarifying that a child born to legal immigrants is a natural born american.
Look Here, Not there
This was a brilliant EO, like dragging a dead fish through an alley with feral cats. Wait till he wins at the supreme court, clarifying that a child born to legal immigrants is a natural born american.
Bwaaahahaha, triggered. We can buy it or support their independence and request to become a state.
Can you say Harvey Weinstein !!
Based on court testimony, he has a penis and where his balls should be is a belly button vagina. Imagine the smell
Just imagine of it all just gets accidentally (kek) dropped.
Death of the dem party, indefensible.
1776 the declaration of their fate was made. We just need to stick to the plan, eradicate
That RINO bitch needs to be replaced.m Release the dirst on her and China.
Nah that faggots head was too hard, he is probably a vegetable fronting Nancy's trades.