They were working with him. Every asset deployed.
Jesus said we are one in Him. When He returns is when power is returned to the people. Those waiting for a king are in error.
So when are the domestic terrorists that use the projected fear of terrorism to excuse their domestic terrorism going to be exposed and held accountable? Either our constitution and laws mean something or they don't. This selective law enforcement bullshit needs to stop.
Yes. His voice is like rushing waters. Read your bible, the waters are people.
Compelled speech even after a pardon is unconstitutional, I don't care what the lawless court says.
The blue line is the biggest terrorist organization in the United States.
That's the kind of person who has no concept of true violence.
A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. It's not some bad apples, the entire orchard that is LE is rotten and on fire. No one hates our constitution and laws more than they do, they just "make things difficult in this day and age" and no they absolutely are not being held accountable. They are lawless and We the People pay their victims. The US government and US courts have been violating the constitution for a long time, and when given the opportunity LE gladly went along (civil asset forfeiture for one example) They are cowards and the largest criminal gang in the country violating the Supreme Law of the land and We the Peoples rights daily.
No, there's not. There's a bunch of cowards giving themselves glory telling themselves they're the good ones while they gladly accept the paycheck while our nation is on fire. There's not a single good LEO in this country. They are ALL propping up lawlessness. They all KNOW what the constitution says, but they CHOOSE to violate it because the lawless court said they could.
Let me be perfectly blunt. There might be "good people" who become cops, there is not a single good cop. There are good ex cops, and they're quite outspoken against policing in this country.
Like I said, a good tree can not produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can not produce good fruit. People are good, cops are bad. That orchard is rotten and on fire. They're the most lawless people in the country.
No, they like the whole bullshit "sovereign citizen movement" is meant to discredit those like me who love and believe in our constitution. People will say we're antifa or sov-cits (the cops love that one).
No I'm just not blinded by the domestic terrorists known as the blue line.
Go ahead and reconcile this with the 4th amendment. I'll wait.
When supposed law enforcement are themselves lawless, there is no law and order. There is tyranny and chaos.
I'll give you the same challenge. See >>22423265
So your excuse is cowardice.
I didn't make it, just stole it.
Then they're cowards. The fact of the matter is, they were given the opportunity to violate rights or stand up to the lawless courts and uphold their oath. Guess which they chose.
Calling out domestic terrorists isn't bigotry.
They ALL are cops, they ALL prop up this lawless constitution violating system. I'm still waiting for someone to reconcile this with the 4th amendment. >>22423345
Where are all those who swore the oath who give themselves much glory as heroes standing up for liberty? Oh collecting the paycheck right.
Our society is lawless, the tyrants are violating laws and rights every single day, but since it hasn't happened to you, you don't seem to care. Calling police tends to make things worse, because to a hammer everything is a nail.
Exactly. People have been conditioned to not do for themselves and their communities, just call the cops who tend to make things worse.
Wrong. They called Jesus good teacher. Jesus asked why they call Him good, none is good but God alone. As Jesus said, call no man on earth teacher, for your teacher is one in heaven.
Do not call unclean what God calls clean.
Cops Attack Man For Lawfully Carrying A Firearm IN HIS HOME
That's why we have a constitution, to protect the minority from the majority, but it's useless when it's ignored.
I guess soldiers should all cower too. Fuck the oath, just turn a blind eye right? Do the exact things you swore to protect the people who pay you from. Got it. Cowards.
Complete bullshit.
Which is exactly what I said earlier. There are good people that become cops, and there are good people that used to be cops. There are NO good cops. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. The orchard that is LE in this country is rotten and on fire.
I'll ask you the same thing I ask others, please reconcile this with the 4th amendment. Where are the so called good cops standing up? The court gave them the chance to stand up or go along and violate rights, and they happily went along. None of the so called "good ones" stand up against it.
The badge is a badge of shame. Shame burns.