tru dat
but no way is anon joining a bunch of faggot shills
they can go and circle jerk each other.
learn to discern the difference.
mexico has a b.i.s base
in their capital Mexico City
make a effort ffs.
will be harder to take down.
unlimited money.
now you are talking
anon was not saying you should make a effort
anon meant, mexico should have picked a better name for their capital.
when anons did multiple shifts.
there was a geniune competition between day and night shifts.
very difficult to keep multiple anons covering shifts focused
so the bakers ended up setting up a competition to improve both shifts and set up a meme war on shifts.
it made it moar fun for lurkers and new anons coming to the board.
there was
night shift
graveyard shift
and finally
the b.i.s is the top of the pyrimaid.
it is how they collect the money for the elites for the Rothschilds and the many elite families.
Around 8500 people who control the world going back centuries.
there are 3 cities within cities.
d.c military
The city of london aka the corporation
the vatican (keeper of the souls).
tis ok anon.
we all learn along the way.
use the knowledge
all we can do in reality
is to stop funding them as much as possible.
shop with people you know, invest in people you know personally and do not use the stock market to make money,
all it does is continue funding them
until the central banksters are taken down it will remain the same.
Jesus said
Give Caesar what he is due.
a good rule.