Anyone got a grinder? I've only whole bean greatnessโฆ.
Could you lrnd a cup of some of that greatness? I'm fresh out
Great savior, here's my Xmas list.
Savior, you are so amazing the greatness feels like it's always been this way.
Any fresh greatness? My local market is ALSO, ironically, fresh out of that great stuff..
Exp date says 3 months is far too stale
How does one get that greatness behind bars? Afaf
Is there a QANON pen pal program? Muh greatness!
Any great this is not a game games going round? Sure miss that greatness! Like it was never thereโฆ.
Now that's talent
Do you take old greatness exchanges for newer greatness 2.again?
My greatness seems to not be working. Are batteries required?
Well, my ride ends in 30. Is there a return trip for gift exchanges?
The picture book is still available? That's good enuff proof for me of your eminent greatness. Xmas wish list? Next Xmas? New list? Greatness 3.0again? Can't wait
I'll waitโฆโฆ..
What batteries power the greatness 3.0? Is there a greatness 2.25 upgrade pack?
Please, don't let the greatness fade away! I'm begging your highness for your free giftsโฆ
I'll wait though cuz your awesome greatness is AWESUM!!!!
Got any more good jokes?
Not a joke, man?
Well, I'll take an order of fries with that greatness. I've got this coupon
Is greatness addictive? I'm withrawal-ing
Where are the returns for broken greatness? Mine's broken
Are you out of that high demand greatness? I'll return if you get s'more!!!!!
But, but, muh great!
The local box chain greatness stores are shuttered. Wis greatness available for online orders?
Can one redeem greatness "service points" for a cup of coffee?
Got any spare greatness, brother?
Greatness famine of 2025
Longing for greatness 3.ohohoh
Remember that dreamy greatness? So dreamy!
I once new a man who bottled and sold greatness. Ever heard of him? History is quite boring, right Smart guy?
My greatness deprecated to greatness 3.0h0h0h.
So sad
But but but, muh greatness
Love the smell of burnt greatness in the morning!
I dream of napalm beach, Florida! I miss floor I do
Fluoride duh man achieves grapeness!
Mu greatness 3.0h0h0h!
But, muhโฆ..
Muh 0h0h0hโฆ
Muh promise, kept, but where is it kept???
Put 60k miles up and down the Great highway, didn't see it
Coast to coast
Sea to shining
Every penny and more
Greatness must be too strange for a square. I must get in for me'd
Greatness 3.0h doesn't play on muh machine? Anyone else got problems working the new greatness 3.0h?
Eh, where's the greatness of which I've heard so much ?
Cant wait!!!!
Someone said the awakening would be great, too. Am I still dreaming only dreaming of what greatness might be?
Well, I'll admit that even the hope of greatness is senuff for one with my great faith in greatness. It's so great! Erythang is juan durr fool!
Air ree Thang is ahhhhh sum!!!!!
Year 3.0h0h, greatness revolution to ahhh sum evol loo shun!!!!
Make is ahhh sum again too , kue!!!!
Awesome brother meets greatness bro
Fear not, French. Greatness is ahh sum!!!!
Canada, your gonna be great, eh!!!!
So ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sum!
Muh great is ACTHUALLY ahhhhh sum!
Ahhhhhsum is GREAT!