Because fuck you
He did watch them torture the fuck out of people still currently standing trial for 9/11 24 years later.
I'm a slave and a bunch of my friends died in Afghanistan so a bunch of my other friends could OD on Fentanyl and we still don't have one arrest for 9/11.
>PS singers and comedians are mostly libertarians.
I think they're likely satanic pedophiles.
>the doctors
>the lawyers
These people have proved to be the most useless faggots in the country, the robots have souls now, learn to weld.
>The anon before you who disparaged the professions as a whole is no better than a bigot failing to see I was pointing out the few who chose to stand against the "machine."
I'm a bigot for spitting on the create autistic children freemason millionaires, cool.
>When you include the ones fighting for the right cause.
Did they fight WHILE writing rx's for vaccines and opiates though? I've never met a doctor that didn't prescribe one or the other. I'm sure the one guy you're talking about has thick enough skin to be called a piece of shit.
>ALL the Doctors and lawyers
I can attack the people and the institution at the same time, they can wipe their tears with the millions in their checking.
Toobin was fired in the fall of 2020 for masturbating on-camera during a Zoom video conference call with co-workers
>You sound like pantifa screaming "fuck the police."
You can blame the screaming on the vaccines, not my fault.
Seems like maybe the best example wouldn't only include the murder capital of the midwest.
>And murders clearly went up
I hate to be a stickler for details but there is significant variance in this chart, it went down for 3 of the years and up after fluoride levels were increased in 2018. I'm going to go ahead and say this graph is fucking retarded and means jack fucking shit, because again, murder capital of the midwest.
>Our NEW automatons are so much better than the old ones.
They had to unplug them because they were doing math no human has done and it was developing the same patterns of consciousness found in the brain.
>fluoride keeps criminals docile.
If we're going to just be speaking things into existence, GME is going to the moon on Monday.
>It's literally the purpose of it though.
I understand you're just saying that with your only evidence being a really shitty experiment conducted in the murder capital of the midwest.