Multiplied by the number of kids that they have.
Anon had one, but got banned for tactical shitposting about the Rothschilds.
Payseur is sooo two years ago. The amount of shilling indicates a high probability of it being bollocks.
Still bollocks though, or they wouldn't be pushing it so hard. Kek at Q-Lounge, Fucking losers.
14885f got nowhere with his Payseur slide, so he's back to Mimic on the Wheel of Shill.
Concur. The rest is just noise, to drown out the good stuff that we find.
Things I trust more that Real Raw News.
• Mexican tap water
• A wolverine with a 'pet me' sign
• A mixed drink made by Bill Cosby
• A straight shave from Jodi Arias
• An elevator ride with Ray Rice
• A flu shot from Dr. Kervorkian
• Brian Williams memory
• Pete Carroll coaching decisions
• Loch Ness monster sightings
• Pinocchio
• The Boy that cried Wolf
• Browns going to the Super Bowl
• A Nigerian inheritance email
• A Snapping turtle in a mud bath
• Harry Reid's exercise equipment
• Tying Slick Willies shoes
• A test fart in bed sick with the flu
• A factory packed parachute
• A kiss from Judas
• A Josh Duggar Daycare facility
• A mattress tied to a car top
• Keeping my healthcare plan
• A North Korean trial
• A BIC pen that doesn't leak
• A tuna fish sandwich left on a city bus
• Hillary Clinton
• Russian State News
And just like that, 880 posts suddenly dropped to 696 posts. Seems legit. No censorship here, no siree Bob…
Fraud is a Federal crime and can't be pardoned, if I am not mistaken.
Only by a bona fide President (sic).
The pen is mightier than the sword.