>>22440589 (pb)
>There are criminal retards but no one has ever seen you condemning your kind for the criminal acts some of them commit.
That's projection. I call out all kinds of niggers, be it white, black or asian. You seem content on protecting a single group. That's a problem with me. I'm equal opportunity.
>>22440595 (pb)
>Why do you point as Jews and call out these characteristics then that are common across all of humanity?
I find it ironic how you can't say anything bad about Jews, lest you get called "anti-Semitisms™" and could potentially lose your livelihood, for merely being remotely critical of them, yet Jews don't saySHITabout other Jews calling for genocide of Whites, or pretending to be White to spread anti-White rhetoric and vitriol towards non-Jewish Whites. They're not Chosen™, they're not better than anyone else, either just 'cos their "God™" said so.
>I have never said there are no bad Jews.
I've never said there were no good Jews, either. I know many. But they're the extreme minority in the entire span of the Tribe™. By all means, though, shill and say that the good ones not saying anything about the bad ones openly and publicly, isn't accessory to what the bad ones do. You don't get to have your cake and eat it to, Fag.
>You just decided that's what I was saying to divert from your personal fixation.
No, you just decided to project, when I called an Anon out for not condemning deviant, Jewish behavior. Calling for the genocide ofANYsub-group of our species is reprehensible behavior from anyone. Jews don't get a free pass with me, for simply being Jewish. I'll call out a White Supremacist, a Black Supremacist, an Asian Supremacist, et al, just as quick as I'll call out a Jewish one. Just admit you don't want people calling out vile Jewish behavior. We all know. You're not fooling anyone.
That's called ad hominem, Faggot.