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The bonfire of the vanities
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Kuhn and the Sociology of Science - JSTOR
Thirdly, Kuhn's writing were seen as throwing considerable doubt on the widely accepted account of the moral values of science. In the first place, Kuhn described the processes of cognitive change in science in a way which seemed to show that the values presupposed in the traditional sociological account were regularly contravened.
Kuhn, Paradigms and Sociology
I will shut down ucsb and u mich philosophy fucking right to-now, motherfucker
Taking your phd was easier than taking black belts, PUNK BITCHES
Rogan's lucky I don't take his money
I'd turn joe into an author [slash] podcaster
A fugitive from the law.
A habitual criminal.
A rebel; a nonconformist.
"a social outlaw."
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik
The e.g.l.e.s. !!!!!!!!
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