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PDF is a Prtscr of the thread.
Only communists have "Collective Asses". We have decentralized ass-ownership off in 'Merica. Its possible to lose your ass or get your ass kicked but its YOUR ass and your ass alone. There is no shared ass to engage with. Thats only for commies. You have to come at us Ass by Ass by ass… individually.
Except for Israel. They keep getting MORE AND MORE of your money for themselves so they have free college free income and free medical and free transportation and interest free loans world wide paid for BY YOU. ha ha ha ha ha Jew power!!
They have all of the advanced technology like Free Energy and antigravity and electrogravitcs
Whelp… I guess we will just have to take it then
How about we open this to EVERYONE in the US. Simply pay them to leave! US citizens as well! Make it EASY to leave the US. Make the US a place you need to WANT to be in as opposed to some shithole everyone is paid to come take a shit in. Pay unproductive losers to get the fuck out! No one is excluded. Tire of being poor and useless?! Take the paycheck and move to Vietnam or whatever. Only requirement is that you have to renounce and never can come back. Wide open to anyone in prison. Wide open to anyone! Then there is an incentive to leave and you have to want to stay. This would fix just about everything. Pay other countries to take them and set up programs so they can assimilate easily. It would be good for everyone .
They have hidden The Unified Theory of macro and quantum. The Grand Unified Theory. They hid Electrogravitics, Free energy, antigravity, and many other amazing tools. They are going to pretend that it is Ayylmao tech so that we can still be controlled by it. IT IS ALL A LIE. #MH370
THis is my biggest concern. We MUST have a Constitutional amendment ending taxation on people forever. If this is not done then in 4 years all this fun will end and we will be right back where we are now, Those who were supporters of all this will be absolutely SMASHED. Much harder than last time.
OY Vey!!! She is a good jewish woman supporting israel!!! How dare you gas a jew like this.
my god what would i have done without this nugget of wisdom that just completely wipes away everything I said in the post… fucking retard.
If only there was a technology that could perfectly count votes… Be completely transparent and impossible to change… Verifiable by all and super duper cheap to use. Sadly no Blockchain systems have ever been created so I gess were stuck.
Still holding strong all these years. The government cannot arrest itself… Nothing will change if this is all that they face. They will be back in 2 years when we lose the house and senate. WE NEED A LOT MORE HEAT THAN THIS. THIS IS WEAK SAUCE.
If you think the US could possibly stay out of a major war in Europe you are out of your mind. The US will be deeply and intricately involved and when that is not enough they are going to do the draft nationwide. That draft WILL include your wives and daughters up to age 35. So yes… That pretty little cheerleader you raised to 18… She is going to go get shot in a muddy ditch in Europe just like happened in Ukraine.
Shocker. Ukraine is run by jews as well… Just like Mexico and the US.
The word America is not even in my post… And you are goddammed right Im a tyrant. What are you going to do about it little faggot cunt…?