His TDS is Stage 4
He's Beyond Medical Intervention
God's hands are moving over the waters
up will be Right-side once again
& Facts will Align with Reality
The world is Returning to God
Evil's little summer is ending
& The Golden Age begins
Beware the Compass Rose Star
The World will be Made Right Once Again
(you) Spoke Truth in an Age of Deception
God Smiles Approvingly upon you
The Wicked have never been held accountable
That Time is Nearing it's End
Their Day in Court is Close at Hand
Thank you God , For walking with us, Protecting us & Blessing us
For Expelling Evil from our Homes, our Lands & our Dreams
& For Forbidding Evil from Manifesting in our Homes, our Lands & our Dreams
Accountability for the Unaccountable is Coming
Ride it, Ride it like a Cowboy
People Who Don't Have Children Will not Be Pleased