>>22455594 (pb)
>Fkn toerag.
At least I didn't lie and teach my children to lie about 6 million of my people being murdered.
>>22455594 (pb)
>Fkn toerag.
At least I didn't lie and teach my children to lie about 6 million of my people being murdered.
2800 slaves, Toerag.
>Who thinks that newscaster is trans. ?
Kek. When art imitates life.
>Yeah exactly that kind of bullshit.
What about this kind of bullshit? Are you tired of it, or do you condone this type of propaganda?
Kek. You ain't master race, Homie.
Can't question the Lolocaust™. Can't question the supremacist ideology of the Jewish religion (2800 slaves). Can't question the 6 gorillion™. Can't question why Jews are allowed to spew hatred at non-Jewish Whites, while pretending to be non-Jewish White. Kek. It's almost a conspiracy if it wasn't anti-Semitisms™ to imply Jews control everything. Why are Jews even here, considering this place is muh Blood Libel™?
>Trumps closest partners are Jewish ancestry/if not completely proud Jew.
Yes, but do they expect 2800 goyim slaves when the Moshiach shows up? Are they undermining the country for the benefit of Israel? Do they believe that they are the Chosen Ones™ and the rest of us mere animals in human form meant to serve them?
That's anti-Semitisms™, Anon. You get 5 of those and they'll send you to Yeshiva for re-education.
Oh gevalt. Kek
>Maybe you could fuck off and create your own board
Or maybe you fucking faggots could be open to a healthy discussion about Jewish supremacy and racism? Now, I know that it's notALLof them, but I find ironic how it seems like the decent Jews are in the minority and the majority seem to protect the supremacist and racist pieces of shit from their own Tribe™, butdemandevery other sub-group of our speciescondemnmembers of their own group, when a Jew gets fucking butt-hurt over something said and has to piss and moan about it, until they destroy said person's life?
Solve a lot of problems if we could have a healthy discussion about pieces of shit like Boteach, Goldman, Netanyahu, Baruk, Meir, et al.
>You can't define what a Jew is.
I'm not the one who defines what a Jew is. Jews are. Inherent flaw in your own logic.
>Even if you could, you claim collective guilt for an entire racial group which is a bullshit position prima facia.
There you go again with the collective guilt, pilpul. I never said that. I said to have a healthy discussion about Jewish supremacy and racism. Jewsneverwant to discuss it. Ever. It ruins their victimhood™ narrative. That's why they explode if anyone questions the Lolocaust™ or the 6 gorillion™. They've haddecadesof SHUT IT DOWN!™ to silence critics.
Only it doesn't work anymore. People are pissed and have every right to be. Who the fuck are Jews to pretend to be White, so they can spread vitriol and hatred, towards non-Jewish Whites? Why do Jews get a free pass to spew supremacist ideology and call for the genocide of an entire sub-group of our species, with impunity? No other sub-group would be able to get away with that? Healthy discussions about terminal issues in society, help maintain society.
So why don't you want to talk about Jewish supremacy and racism? (vidrel)
>I have no interest in engaging with you.
Of course not. I wish to discuss a topic that's too close to home for you. You're all about calling out anti-Semitisms™ and telling people who say mean, hurty words about the Chosen Ones™ to "make their own board," but when a person comes along and says, "Wait. Here's some Jews who are saying somereallyfucked up shit about White people, all the while pretending to be White to do it," you jam the fuck up and "have no interest in engaging."
Pathetic mindset. It also shows you are probably one of these people I just mentioned.
>why can't they just be Christians?
Or Muslim, or Buddhist, Taoist, Shikh, Atheist, etc. Judaism is inherently supremacist in nature. I have a serious problem with an ideology that teaches it's followers that they are "better" than everyone else and the rest are just animals meant to serve their betters.
They're shunned by most orthodox Jews, as well. One of my closest friends of 40 years or so, is one. When I met him, his family fled from Israel, 'cos the orthodox Jews were spitting on him, throwing rocks at him and beating the shit out of him for believing in Jesus. They're an extremely small minority of Jews.
>semites encompass more nationalities and religions than just jews
>most modern jews have ZERO semitic DNA
Kek. Don't tell them that. Their entire grift revolves around it.
>that was painful
Isn't it crazy howtheyactually decide when they're White™, not the other way around, but the whole pilpul is that it's only when My Fellow White People™ want it?
He's the one that told me about the Dancing Israelis, Fag. If he hadn't, I would have re-enlisted to go fight for ZOG again. You're scurred, aren't ya?
>Wait until they start deporting the muzzies.
Wait until they start deporting Israelis, Anon. That's when the shit will hit the fan and the accusations of racisms™ will explode. Once JFK and 9-11 get exposed, it's going to get ugly.
Fundamental premises of Zionism.
> tunnels the last few years
I still want the story behind the NY one. They memory-holed that shit quick. Seeing that soiled mattress was beyond fucked up.