in the room
be respectful
11 ingredients
don't make me post iL donaldo fuckers
uid clue for any newfags
hanging themselve
C before D. to be clear
tranny shooters on the ningo carx
on the bingo cards tranny ar15
neien nien
there are 54 posts containing.
vaxxxxy vaxxxy
who dies anthony
B3 bullet 3 minutes
fuck it Canucks first
mushrooms then weed supervised.
suppository in bed irL begins at 23:00-60 minutes + a few hrs sleep.somewhere.
alaska F35
kek. canuckistsam AM radio war amps keys radio comms. lost muh keys.
every drug delear in a rental car with the kids
post count high,sorry.
hundreds of sgents tried to quell me.
trench warfare witha cadavers & rats & puss & 3 secons then moar bangs bongs & booms & trenchfoot