How Trump is Already Cleaning up Ukraine
By Joseph Kulve January 29, 20251/2From American Thinker:
Below are translations of excerpts from three recent videosfrom three of my favorite Ukrainian bloggers, who talk about howleftist Ukrainian wolves in sheep’s clothing are in panic mode thanks to recent actions by Trump(use YouTube translate for subtitles but be aware that it often makes mistakes). I have the impression that Americans are not hearing what they are saying. I’ve spent a year in Ukraine during the war (after seven years in Russia) and I understand the language. My income (and ego) does not depend on pushing lies about Ukraine.
“End of the freebie era? USAID on pause, grant-seekers in panic!” – Nazar Mukhachev. Кінець епохи халяви? USAID на паузі, грантоїди в паніці! @mukhachow youtube link: 9:32
USAID has stopped all projects in Ukraine for 90 days(just watch how Nazar is enjoying how theUkrainian leechesthat suck up American aid money are now in a panic).
While working for USAID, Ukrainian leftists were writing articles telling their countrymenthat Ukraine must sell its land, enterprises must be privatized, LGBT is good(I remember disgustingly how “America” House in Kyiv had some exhibition about how LGBTQ soldiers were defending Ukraine), Saint Floyd and BLM were righteous, and most of all theRepublicans were devils(I met personally such Ukrainian leftist filth often in Kyiv, inparticular among warmonger intellectuals).
Now they are in a panic, whining about how they need USAID grantsto rebuild schools, provide medical services, and repair energy infrastructure. (Yeah, right,the slimeballsthat getUSAID salaries that are 10x-50x the average Ukrainian pensionare actually going to do grunt work!)
These leeches are now organizing conservative forums in Kyiv! Of course, all the money that bred them came from the globalists and the Democrat party (he calls them “Sorosyat,” which closely resembles the name Soros plus the Ukrainian word for piglets). These leftistsm are enemies of the Ukrainian people and will do anything to avoid having to join the private sector (like their American counterparts; the Sorosyats would even embrace Moscow if they were desperate for money). The schools and medical services will fix themselves, but the important thing is that the financing of the leftist liberals must not be renewed.
“Ermak's gang: A judge of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a lieutenant colonel of the Russian Ministry of Defense” Банда Єрмака: суддя ВСУ - підполковник Міноборони: Youtube link: 12:48
Rostislav Shaposhnikov. That’s not a joke.Supreme court judge Semyon Stetsenko also has a Russian passport. Welcome to Ukraine. Just look at the faces of those judges in the video, especially the woman.They are wealthy (even by American standards) and untouchable. Rostislav explores Judge Semen Stetsenko’s Wikipedia history (some of it was erased, but can be found the archives). The Supreme Court of Ukraine convenientlydoes not have a copy of the judge’s passport or documentsof his oath of allegianceto Moscow.
Rostislav says thatthe judge’s history is typical for Russian agents(any Ukrainian knows this is true). The judge’s brotherback in Russia is also acolonel in the Russian Ministry of Defense. Rostislav explains how all this makes the judge a very obedient servant of the Zelensky mafia (that has not sacked him). The entire Ukrainian government operates like this.