Year 2027
were you Pressured into Taking a Experimental Gene Therapy by Deep State Actors who are now currently incarcerated?
You may be Entitled to Compensation
Year 2027
were you Pressured into Taking a Experimental Gene Therapy by Deep State Actors who are now currently incarcerated?
You may be Entitled to Compensation
Think I'll Write a Book
"So, you did the thing to save grandma and now you got vAIDs"
No one had to lose their home in the Smelt Fires
But the Elite has Plans for those neighborhoods
& there were people living there
& if you were Working Another Job while Working from home for the Gov
You're in Deep Shit
Expect to bring your Tax Returns on your first day back
Oh My Goodness
Let see what the CDC has to say… hrmmm, Nothing…
The FDA? not a peep…
The NIH? Crickets…
Can't be too serious then, As you were people
To those out there
That are taking our work
Taking our memes
Taking our Digs
Making Videos & a buck off of it
Thanks, I appreciate it
Only the Message matters
& when I tell people the Truth, they tend to cry a lot
you're way better at this than I & Funnier