>About sick of this bullshit.
Kek. Sick of what bullshit?
>When was "Palestine" ever a country?
Kek. Uh…. This map is from 1881…. Just sayin'.
Kek. He's ignoring people who actually poasted maps.
Whoa. This nigga have his own island too?
>Try again. It exposes your lie. Especially when you don't want to give us an answer.
Kek. I gave you a link to one, dated 1881, from the Library of Congress, Nigger!
>Oh look you outed your self as a bread gobbling zero value add.
Rich, coming from a Faggot that wasted a poast, virtue signaling, 'cos they didn't like something the Anon said. If you don't like it, shut the fuck up and ignore it.
>I was researching the DEFINITION of Antesemetic.
But why? You think Anons, of all people, don't know what anti-Semitisms™ is? They've been accused of anti-Semitisms™ for years, even this place (vidrel). It's preciselywhyI asked what "bullshit" you were sick of.
>Now where's your RESEARCH?
That would be here: >>22470481
>or are you only here to disrupt and attack anons?
Kek. I'm not the one kvetching and acting like a liberal faggot, 'cos some Anon called another a "Nigger." It's quite clear you're new here, Newfag.
>>22470588 (Kek. So as not to waste a poast for FagAnon above)
That would be Melonie Mac. She's a Christian Conservative who can be funny as all fuck. She also does scripture reading, if that's your thing. Very based. All about being healthy and extensive use of the word "faggot." Not a fan of trannies.
>>22470668 (me)
Oops. Forgot to poast the video for FagAnon.
>Maxie Hirono makes validating arguments for this policy.
Kek. Her father fought for the Japanese during WWII. Mom left America with her parents, right before WWII and her Mom ended up marrying a Japanese veteran, who turned out to be an abusive fuck, requiring Mom to flee with the kids. Then, they moved back, 'cos Mom was an American citizen. Hirono was groomed from the beginning.
>I don't see anything wrong with this,…..I must be part of the 27%
Chkt and firmed. The irony is that the quote she refers to, doesn't mention Jews,at all.She's the one that ties Jews to the (alleged) conspiracy. She, herself, made it about the Jews™ and then cried muh Blood Libel™ about it. All that does, is reaffirms the belief that this whole game is a Jewish one and always has been.
> I gess I should neck myself.
No, Anon. Don't do that. I would miss you. (no homo)
>Proof on display Incumbent Senators are selected by Dominion and retain position as payback from the military industrial educational media government fucks of blob central.
Nah, in her case she jumped from Lt. Governor, to State Rep and then Fed Senator. Hawaii is a liberal shithole. Just look at the Sr. Senator (((Brian Schatz))) and their current Governor, (((Josh Green))). There's a reason the natives are poor. Hirono is just another Shabbos Goy. Her "gifts" from AIPAC are only behind Schatz.
Kek. Before she was born, her family ran a bathhouse in Hawaii. They worked the plantations, but it was too hard, so they created a bathhouse. Then, when her family left to move back to Japan, they left her American family in charge of it. When they returned, after Hirono was born (in Japan) they took over the bathhouse again. You can't make this shit up.
>even RT is reporting on it now. Its getting really bad guys
For whom? The lie of the 6 gorillion™ and the (((collective guilt))) Jews put upon all non-Jews for the Lolocaust™ needs to be exposed for the deceit it truly was.