deportation is the new emancipation
>>22470231 /pb
>Audience Cheers After Rand Paul Delivers Scathing Diatribe Against 'Submission' To Vaccine Mandates
Polio Vaccine in "1720"?
Rand newfag date-fagging…
>>22467792/ pb NASA Jet Propulsion Lab opens doors after LA fires, helps firefighter helicopters refuel
So the gates of hell have opened?
My astrophysics advisor was a caltech/jpl postdoc. Real dark athiest type. strange fellow. years later I bumped into him, he was married, had color in his skin, and randomly thanked me for a bunch of stuff I had and still have no idea about. then he apologized knowing I probably didn't know about anything to which he was referring.
I think he was in a dark place after years on the west coast. moving east and maybe my more purist lifestyle back then somehow helped slaughter his shadows.
never assume the effect you think or don't think you have on people by just being a silent example and living your life in the light.
>I am hearing about a possible manifesto by the Blackhawk pilot exists
which. I'm thinking he/she was a his[panic] angry about all the deports.
do we have the fucking flight manifest yet? trump said in an hour…this morning.