AI poisons the facts.
and it will tell untruths as truth.
it's crap and it is often malicious.
the only way you know someone is gay is if they hit on another man and even then you can't really be sure, they just might want to bash someone.
AI poisons the facts.
and it will tell untruths as truth.
it's crap and it is often malicious.
the only way you know someone is gay is if they hit on another man and even then you can't really be sure, they just might want to bash someone.
conflation shills
side by side unrelated images and pretend
it means something, just to waste time and cause a nuisance.
Q isn't an 'it'
the relationship between the people, and the idea of a place where Q posted was called 'Qanon'
it was never a person or a movement.
as a matter of fact whenever Q posted there would always be those who would ridicule Q and tell Q that Q is full of shit.
Q was a source of news. News is often tainted.
Q made this clear.
the idea that it was a movement is a farse.
MAGA is a movement, lead by Donald Trump.
Q is a person or team working for ? ? ? we all have different ideas.
YOU are a shill paid for by ?
you're a shill.
you need a tag. you choose 'Qanon' because it's easy to slur with a tag.
you're a pejoratator and one who likes to give nascent explanations that actually make no sense are just false narrative.
how you can spot one? look in a mirror
probably the Ukraine oligarchs children live outside of Ukraine.