I member the arguments after the Q drop.
Many such anons were like reeeee don't change the banner the _ makes it different.
As if it was ok to try to pull a fast one on Q by utilizing that technicality.
I member the arguments after the Q drop.
Many such anons were like reeeee don't change the banner the _ makes it different.
As if it was ok to try to pull a fast one on Q by utilizing that technicality.
>different time
Yep, nobody even batted an eye about it.
Altho, I guess if I searched qresear.ch long enough I could find some rando anon from early 2018 saying "Guyz I'm not so sure using QAnon is such a great idea.
Immediately replied to with KYS Shill.
Yo, Jesse, now that Tucker's been shitcanned gonna need you to pick up his old stuff.
Give the MSM some credit for coining the term QAnon mere days after his arrival on the scene.
Wait wut?
Seems Q would have shitcanned the term way before he did if it wasn't organically created.
Pretty sure that last one would get a Baker run out of the Kitchen.
That said, this is now QR - The Absolute State Years so I won't put a bet on it.
They should at least explain what this shit is all about.
I still like the term.
It's better than Q followers or even worse anons that follow Q.
Non-QR people still use it all the time.
All Q did was make anons stop saying Redskins or Indians.
One of the best things about QR 2025 is the slides break up the monotony.
QR 2018 had a point about getting in the way of the diggs.
Now tho? Moar slides please.
>provides a template for any subsequent Q posts
Lowered Expectations in the Kitchen - QR just went full DEI.
cuepee by definition sockpuppets can never be QAnons anyway
Not only did Freddy use QAnons but even when referring to Q.
And he still got a Q-You.
Not seeing any downside to using the term.
kek Q is the only one (of less than 10) I know where I struggle to come up with the ideal pronoun