You sayin' anons will have to wait another 40 years?
I ain't planning on sticking around that long;
Let's look back even further to, let's say the early 20th century and the imposition of the fed and the unconstitutional imposition of the 16th amendment.
Well, maritime law (as opposed to common law) is founded on the Roman doctrines.
City of London
Washington DC
You believe the term QAnon was injected by feds?
Seemed a natural progression to anon.
However, as anon has previously stated, the term QAnon was seized upon and demonised by the media in the same way that the C_A used the term conspiracy theory to discredit all who argued against the official narrative.
Old playbook is old, but anons now know how to use it against them.
proving a negative can be difficult. Not impossible, but difficult.
Fuck it. Let it run its course in a court of law.
Dude, they notable famefags.
How much proof do we need that current admin is faggot?
Still, at least they aren't OSS, or are they?
It is sad to say but such drops would not last 5 minutes on current /pol?
Anon already misses the old days before the dead internet.
This Q vs QAnon seems to be a pointless bunch of faggotry.
When Q first posted, many anons refered to it as QAnon. Once the media got their foetid talons into it, it became moot.
QAnon became the media's favourite tar baby. And thus why Kash disavowed Qanon in today's lib attacks.
The explanation was that it provides a template for any subsequent Q posts that anon does not believe will ever materialise.
Frankly, anon believes nothing from current admin and sees them as no different to other comped BOs of the past, such as that south african faggot from /CBTS/ who larped as BigDickAnon.
Dude, you think complaining about slow breads whilst deleting posts doesn't show their faggotry enough?
Let's just lock this bread at 400 posts because baker is a faggot and tired.
Just ignore the 400 deleted posts because spam.
Makes sense;
Prepare for post deletion because shill spam.
>Q isn't an 'it'
Well, it sure as fuck ain't one person.
Thus I do not refer to Q as he or him. It is a group of less than 10 people, or had you forgotten?
>>you're a shill.
Sure thing, baby.
Your cogent argument convinced me. What was I thinking?
Anon remembers when anons kicked back about 20-80% and Q settled on 60-40%.
Anons know, but normies need to know.