Had all your Vaccinations but won't take an Experimental gene Therapy that hasn't passed Phase I Trials
Called Anti-vaxxer
These are the people we're up against
Had all your Vaccinations but won't take an Experimental gene Therapy that hasn't passed Phase I Trials
Called Anti-vaxxer
These are the people we're up against
Instead of Spending 5 Billion to Fix their Border
Canada is going to take a $400 Billion Hit
That's Trudeau Genius at work there
They will Try
But Do Not Comply
Qanan stopped existing 6 years ago after the shut down
There is only QResearch now
No one knows where Qanans went off to after that or where they post
you are a Keener I'll give you that
But.. Ummm…
Science should never be "Settled"
Questioning Everything is the Basis for "Science"
If we live in a The Science is Settled World
We would never have had more computer memory that 64 Mbits