Anonymous ID: c1228e Jan. 30, 2025, 6:20 p.m. No.22472646   🗄️.is 🔗kun

so it starts out like this:

you just want the people around you to see the Q and prepare!

cause Q said

then they give you a slave name

awwww shit!!!

then they try to be your fren!!!

then they stab stab stab!!!


then yer all like "ALRIGHT MOTHERFUCKERS!!!"

and you embrace the famefag!!

kill all famefag is now your goal

and you kill and you kill and kill!!!

until their dark souls pile up to heavens!!!

then you say "Yeah!"

and walk away…


but you have the taste of shill blood now

you can't go back

you must kill


so you just kill and kill and kill!


shill bodies errwheres


then the stabby stabbies be all like "why can't we all get along" and "what would jesus do?!"…