The shills be out of ammo.
Oh look, Walz found a friend.
Nothing much left and what they do have is corroded crap.
In fact, it's highly likely to blow up in their face.
Might be interesting to figure out who isn't around pulling strings anymore.
Hah, he was on a string.
The question is, who was pulling the strings? I have my own ideas. Chain of command exists in many different organizations.
Place used to have damn good coffee. Not any more. I wonder why? Funny how both coffee and coca likes to use the same growing conditions. Volcanic rich soil. Kill the cartels and we might start getting good coffee again. Remember original Yuban? That shit was the bomb, now I won't touch it with a 10 ft pole it sucks so bad. Funny thing is, all the coffee purveyors always try to throw the word columibian in their coffee name, but it really isn't columbian coffee.
What are we doing? Removing the corrupt dirty elements that exist in most of the worlds countries, at least the ones that count. We do it here, there, where ever it's needed. Israel has some corrupt people as well as us. You always make the mistake of focusing on the bunch, instead of the one or two bad apples that taint the whole bunch.
The shills are running helter skelter.